Why You Should Have Your Family Photos Done in Fall
Fall Family Photos
Fall is a great time for family photos and that’s why most people have their photos done in the fall! Between the pumpkin spice lattes and taking the kids to the pumpkin patch, there’s always something fun for fall and family photos are no exception.
This post is one of a four part series and will discuss some of my favorite reasons for having your family photos done in fall as well as some reasons you might want to choose another season. So let’s get to it!
Fall Colors
This is one of the biggest reasons to have family photos done in fall. There really is nothing quite like the gorgeous colors you get in fall and it can’t be found any other time of year. On the Central Coast of California, we might not get the changing colors to the same degree as Washington or Vermont, but we still get a bit of it. If fall colors are what you are looking for, it’s usually best to wait until rather late in the season as our summers tend to take up most of the actual fall season.
Fall Vibes
Everywhere you look in fall, you’re bound to see some festive decorations. Fall is a great time to have your family photos done at a pumpkin patch or even a winery that decorates for fall (which most of them do). The creativity that goes into the fall themes at businesses in the area is always wonderful and you’re sure to find some fun fall elements wherever you go.
Leaves, leaves and more leaves
My favorite thing to do for my kids in the fall is to rake up all the leaves into a pile and let them play. They can do this for hours and the dog has just as much fun as the kids. This play makes for some of the most amazing pictures and really showcases the fun of being a kid in the fall. When the whole family tosses leaves up into the air, smiles are inevitable! When Dad comes out with the leaf blower and blows the kids, it’s even more fun! The sky is the limit with the fun that can be had in the fall.
Sunshine galore
I honestly can’t remember the last time it rained for fall pictures. In late fall, we can get a little rain, but the rain usually doesn’t come until after Halloween and sometimes not until close to Christmas. Really, the early fall photo sessions never get rescheduled due to the weather. It may be warm, but it won’t be raining! (Now that I say this, it will rain buckets this fall…fingers crossed)
Holiday cards and gifts
Fall just puts us in the holiday spirit and I love it. Once fall hits, it’s all about the holidays and it’s the perfect time to start thinking about your Christmas cards and any gifts you might want to give.
Let me tell you, photo gifts (especially albums) make the absolute best gifts. I’m not talking about having a photo on a mug type of thing…I’m talking about an album full of gorgeous family photos that will make Grandma’s heart sing and bring her to tears as she is overcome with joy. The older we get, the more we appreciate our family and the more pictures mean to us. Trust me on this one. Albums and wall art are absolutely priceless when it comes to gifts.
If you are planning on ordering an album as a gift, be sure to order early. There are only a few printers that manufacture the heirloom quality albums I offer and the demand increases during the holidays. Lead times can be upwards of 6-8 weeks during peak seasons. While I could easily switch to another printer, I refuse to sacrifice quality for speed.

As I mentioned above, summer tends to encroach on fall here on the Central Coast. This can mean that the extreme heat of summer often carries on well into fall and that can be hard for some that are more sensitive to the heat. Winter or spring might be a better option if the heat is a problem. Fall is also one of the busiest times of the year. Between the soccer games, play dates, family gatherings and fall festivities, finding time to fit in a family photo session can be difficult and add to an already stressful week.
The most important thing is to get family photos done. There are so many times that I put off taking photos of my own family and I can’t tell you how much I would love to have those pictures. With kids, the days are long but the years are so short and they go by WAY too quickly. Now is the time to preserve the memories, no matter how long it’s been.
Looking for help with styling your family for photos? Check out our Family Style Guide for some ideas.
Want to know what to expect during your family photo session? See this post all about what you can expect.
See more about the benefits of each season in our four part series below.