Newborn Girl With Fall Colors
Newborn Girl
Mylah came to the studio at just two weeks old. Her parents are clearly in love with her, as they have every reason to be. As with every baby that comes into the studio, we never know if they’ll be a little fussy or more content.
Well, let me tell you about Mylah. She was awake for about three minutes before I got her all wrapped up and snug in a swaddle and a neutral colored wrap. She fussed for only a moment while I got her secured in the wraps. I had several props set up and ready to go when she arrived, so there was no setup needed. Sometimes, I’ll spend the first 15 minutes or so getting the baby to sleep. Not Mylah! She was asleep within seconds of me finishing wrapping her up!
Babies don’t always stay asleep for me, but she was a trooper! She stayed asleep during all the headband and bonnet changes. She also slept right through the prop changes! Mylah’s parents definitely have a very content baby and I’m so glad they brought her by for some photos. I hope you love them as much as I do!